Biomass Group activities have been featured in numerous international and national press. Following are some of our most recent publications.
With his feet firmly planted he let his vision take flight
August 18th marks the 10th death anniversary of Ray Wijewardene, the practical thinker, intrepid aviator and visionary inventor. Here Yomal Senerath-Yapa looks back on the man and his legacy.
The one thing in Ray Wijewardene’s low-ceilinged, ship’s cabin of a study that really sucks you in is a David Attenborough poster of a magnified dragonfly- its great red eyes boring into you like intelligent pearls against the bright tropical greenery. It is a symbol of Ray’s own undying curiosity about nature. Where Wordsworth and Burton and most of us saw the beauty of nature only, Ray glimpsed the greater plan of Gaia- the way her reasoning and seam and chalk lines run.

IPS Conversation with Dr. Sumith Pilapitiya, Lucky Dissanayake & Paul Steele
The human-elephant conflict is a persistent problem in the rural areas of Sri Lanka. Around 230 elephants are killed by people each year, while around 3 million Sri Lankans – 15% of the population – are exposed to the threat of human elephant conflict. Former Director General of the Department of Wildlife Conservation, Dr. Sumith Pilapitiya, Entrepreneur / Environmental Activist , Lucky Dissanayake, and Chief Economist of IIED Paul Steele, discuss the gravity of this issue and possible solutions Sri Lanka can adopt.
Looking back at tradition for a greener future in Sri Lanka
An Action Plan, which was developed during a four-year process that assessed the feasibility and role of REDD+ in Sri Lanka’s forest management and land use systems, includes key targets like increasing the national forest cover to 32% and achieving a 36% reduction in annual forest loss (currently 8,000 hectares). Biomass Group was featured as a key driver in helping to achieve their vision.
Business Call To Action

Bringing Business Back Home: Biomass Energy of Sri Lanka
In 2006, my London-based publishing house, Dakini Books, published the critically acclaimed ‘Global Warning – The Last Chance for Change’, Paul Brown's fact-based book on climate change and its consequences for the planet and humanity. This book gave me phenomenal insight into what to expect in the next 20 years, and more importantly what we need to do if humanity is to even have a chance...

Biomass Ventures Founder and Chairperson Lucky Dissanayake shares her journey of success
In creating Biomass Ventures, I have not been afraid to ‘think big’, because I have recognised that the opportunity for our business is massive and because I understand that the needs that we are addressing are monumental. In effect, we achieve ‘Sustainable and Ethical Fuel + Livelihood Development + Food’ in rural Sri Lanka, in a holistic, inclusive, financially-viable business model.
Daily FT

Lucky Dissanayake wins Gold in Social Global Eco Awards
Biomass Group Founder Lucky Dissanayake did Sri Lanka and the planet proud, by winning the Global Green Economic Forum (GGEF) Eco Game Changer award in a glitzy event held at the Island Shangri-La hotel in Hong Kong.

Biomass Ventures Founder and Chairperson Lucky Dissanayake shares her journey of success
In creating Biomass Ventures, I have not been afraid to ‘think big’, because I have recognised that the opportunity for our business is massive and because I understand that the needs that we are addressing are monumental.

2019 GGEF Women Eco Game Changers Awards winners
Biomass Group Founder Lucky Dissanayake topped the list, taking home the Social Eco Game Changer Award (Gold) for her contributions in the development of renewable energy

Local farmers out on the field with the RSB auditor
Biomass Supplies Ltd., a company based in Sri Lanka, earned the Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB) certification for biomass produced from branches pruned from live fences of gliricidia trees.

Gliricidia nursery of 3,500 new sticks propagated entirely by this lady
Biomass Supplies, a Sri Lankan subsidiary of Biomass Group – the visionary renewable energy company – is developing Sri Lanka’s abundant sustainable energy resources through innovative partnerships with the country’s smallholder farmers.
Daily News

Gliricidia, an alternate to coal to meet ever-growing power supply crisis
Planting of gliricidia specially in coconut estates in the country would play a big role in finding solutions to the ever-growing crisis in supply of electricity in the country. It is claimed that gliricidia is an alternate and could replace coal imported from overseas saving much needed foreign exchange.
Pellet Magazine

Cultivating Sri Lankan Supply
Sri Lanka, the island nation off the southern tip of India, is not considered a hotbed of wood pellet activity. But if Lucky Dissanayake has her way, this may soon change.
The Guardian

Why tackling poverty and climate change should go hand in hand
People living at the base of the economic pyramid are more vulnerable to climate change. Inclusive businesses can work with these communities, bringing improvements in sustainability, productivity and profitability
Good Market

GGEF announces winners of The 2019 Women Eco Game Changers Awards
Lucky Dissanayake, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Biomass Ventures Pte Ltd topped the list, taking home The Social Eco Game Changer Award (Gold) for her contributions in the development of renewable energy.
Teru Talk
RSB Certifies 1st Smallholder Biomass Supply Project in Southeast Asia
The Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials has announced certification of the first Smallholder Project in Southeast Asia. Biomass Supplies Ltd, a subsidiary of the Biomass Group, coordinates collection of biomass residuals in Sri Lanka.
Bioenergy Insight
Biomass Supplies becomes first operation in Southeast Asia to earn RSB certification
Biomass Supplies (Pvt), a company based in Sri Lanka, has earned the Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB) certification for biomass produced from branches pruned from live fences of Gliricidia trees.